
Communication skills: this short article explains communication skills in a practical way. – Learn Effective Communication In Nigeria

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This article also highlights the importance, the various Types and how to how to improve these. Enjoy reading!

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What are communication skills?


Communication skills enable individuals to understand others and to be understood themselves. A variety of aspects are important in the context of these skills, such as listening, speaking, observing and empathy.

In everyday life, these skills are required to communicate ideas to others, develop a confident attitude, respect for others and public speaking. Developing communication skills helps many people make progress in the workplace.

Importance – Learn Effective Communication In Nigeria

Effective communication is essential for both employer and employee. The success of making a point clear, for example, can be the difference between making a deal and missing out on a good deal.

A specific communication skill can assist in communicating an idea clearly. It is also crucial that company policy is carefully explained to customers and employees and that everyone within the organisation is on the same wavelength. To this end, it is essential that everyone has developed a certain level of these skills.

Different types of communications, skills and environmental aspects can be beneficial for a business. A healthy communication climate also improves morale and efficiency in general.

Various methods are used to promote this climate within organisations, such as: Communication Strategy Framework (CSF), communication plans, dialogue mapping and the 7Cs or communication model.

Various Types of communication skills

There are different types and methods that can be used in a person’s professional life. As with many skills, it is important that communication is actively practised.

A well-known concept in communication studies is active listening

We are also familiar with different types of listening, such as empathic listening, appreciative listening and analytical listening.

Listening is an often underestimated skill

Your overall skillset and the impression you leave on others can drastically improve by developing the appropriate listening skills.

Different styles or types of communication are required depending on a person’s situation.

In the articles on communication skills, learn when and where to use a certain communication style. This will for example assist you in closing that promising business deal or leaving a good impression on a potential business partner.

You might discover that ease of understanding others is just as important as communicating your own ideas.

Another important element in communication is giving and receiving feedback. This is also the part of listening that allows a person to improve his or her skills.

Being proficient in communication can help you to be open-minded and incorporate feedback in your work. Communication skills can assist you in making sense of the feedback you receive.

Additionally, these skills can empower you to give constructive feedback to others.

How to improve communication skills

There are some specific steps that can be taken to improve these skills. Some of these techniques are listed below. – Learn Effective Communication In Nigeria

  • Real listening is often limited by people being too quick to form a response
  • Adjust the communication style according to the listener
  • Pay attention to body language
  • Monitor what is being transmitted or verbalised
  • Keep a positive attitude and smile

Here are the top communication skills employers and recruiters want to see in your resume and cover letter, interviews and career development:

1. Active listening

Active listening, sometimes called appreciative listening or mindful listening, means paying close attention to who you’re communicating with by engaging with them, asking questions and rephrasing.

Practicing active listening can build respect with your colleagues and increase understanding in the workplace. As you actively listen, focus on the speaker and avoid distractions like cell phones and laptops.

Improve your active listening skills by paying attention to other people’s facial expressions, body language and tone of voice. Instead of preparing what you plan to say next, focus on what the other person is saying and how they’re speaking.

If you want to clarify something, ask follow-up questions or rephrase what they’ve said to confirm that you understood them correctly. – Learn Effective Communication In Nigeria

2. Using the right communication method

Using the right way to communicate is an important skill. There are benefits and disadvantages to communicating through emails, letters, phone calls, in-person meetings or instant messages.

Communicating is better when you consider your audience, what information you want to share and the best way to share it.For example, if you’re communicating with a potential employer, it may be better to send a formal email or call them on the phone.

In the workplace, you may find it easier to communicate complex information in person or via a video conference than by email. Building remote workplace friendships is easier when you can communicate through instant messages.

3. Friendliness

Friendly traits like honesty and kindness can help foster trust and understanding when communicating at work. Try to communicate with a positive attitude, keep an open mind and ask questions to help you understand where they’re coming from.

Small gestures such as asking someone how they’re doing, smiling as they speak or offering praise for work well done can help you foster productive relationships with colleagues and managers.

You can practice friendliness by remembering small, thoughtful details about your colleagues or past conversations.

For example, if a colleague tells you their child’s birthday is soon and you connect with them again later, you might ask them how the birthday party went.

4. Confidence

In the workplace, people are more likely to respond to ideas that are presented with confidence.

There are many ways to appear confident, including by making eye contact when you’re addressing someone, sitting up straight with your shoulders open and preparing ahead of time so your thoughts are clear and you’re able to answer any questions.

Confident communication is useful not just on the job but also during the job interview process. Additionally, to display confidence, avoid adding filler words.

5. Sharing feedback – Learn Effective Communication In Nigeria

The key to effective feedback is sharing specific examples of the issue, and the consequences of the issue and asking questions to formulate solutions to the issues.

Strong communicators can accept constructive feedback and provide constructive input to others. Feedback can answer questions, provide solutions or help strengthen the project or topic at hand.

Providing and accepting feedback is an essential workplace skill, as it can help both you and the people around you make meaningful improvements to their work and their professional development.

A great way to learn how to give feedback is to take notes from others on the feedback they offer you. When you come across a well-explained piece of feedback, take some time to observe and analyze why it was good, why it resonated with you and how you might apply those skills in the future.

6. Volume and tone

When you’re speaking, be clear and audible. Adjusting your speaking voice so others can hear you in a variety of settings is a skill, and it’s critical to communicating effectively.

Speaking too loudly may be disrespectful or awkward in certain settings. If you’re unsure, read the room to see how others are communicating.Another aspect of verbal communication is vocals and tonality.

This involves how your tone moves up and down, your pitch, which words you place emphasis and the pauses you place between phrases. Such details can be effective in communicating emotions and offer your audience insights into how others interpret your message.

7. Empathy

Having empathy means that you can not only understand but also share in the emotions of others.- Learn Effective Communication In Nigeria

This communication skill is important in both team and one-on-one settings. In both cases, you attempt to effectively read and translate other people’s emotions and select an appropriate response.

For example, if someone is expressing anger or frustration, empathy can help you acknowledge and diffuse their emotion. At the same time, being able to understand when someone is feeling positive and enthusiastic can help you get support for your ideas and projects.

8. Respect

A key aspect of respect is knowing when to initiate communication and respond. In a team or group setting, allowing others to speak without interruption is seen as a necessary communication skill tied to respectfulness.

Respectfully communicating also means using your time with someone else wisely—staying on topic, asking clear questions and responding fully to any questions they’ve asked you.

9. Nonverbal cues – Learn Effective Communication In Nigeria

Some amount of communication happens through nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions and eye contact. When you’re listening to someone, you may choose to attention to what they’re saying and their nonverbal language.

It’s essential to not judge others based on their body language, as not all people display the same physical gestures due to cultural or ability differences.

10. Responsiveness

Whether you’re returning a phone call or sending a reply to an email, employers often view fast communicators as more effective than those who are slow to respond. One method is to consider how long your response takes.

Is this a request or question you can answer in the next five minutes? If so, it may be a good idea to address it as soon as you see it.

If it’s a more complex request or question, you can still acknowledge that you’ve received the message and let the other person know you’re going to respond in full later.

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Rilwan Ajibola

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