Business Performance

To improve business performance and maximize your success in the marketplace, you need to prioritize your strategic goals and objectives, create a plan and monitor the activities and results against budgets and time-frame.

When it comes to achieving success in business, it relies heavily on business performance. By improving business performance, you can increase customer visibility, build a more efficient sales pipeline and increase collaboration in the organization.

Businesses that want to improve their performance should follow a plan that includes getting the most from their data as well as their employees. Once you get your business up and running, how do you ensure that your business has what it takes to continue to grow and prosper?

Below you will find some strategies for keeping your business on track and helping it grow.

1. Define the Present and Future

To improve performance, you’ll need to understand the business’s current performance and future potential using tools and resources like these:

  • A SWOT analysis reveals the weaknesses and strengths of the business—as well as threats and opportunities.
  • A bench-marking analysis compares your business’s performance against similar businesses.
  • Market research and trend analyses look at large-scale business data to discover how to better serve your customers.
  • Purpose-built software can give your organization a clearer picture of its current and potential performance by eliminating data silos and applying robust Business Intelligence (BI).
  • Finally, a consultant could help you create a new business model taking trends and other data into account.

2. Set Business Goals

Businesses need to set SMART goals to improve performance.

These goals should be:

  • Specific – States clearly what you want to achieve
  • Measurable – Makes it easier to evaluate success or failure
  • Achievable – You should have the time and resources to achieve your business objectives
  • Relevant – The goals should help improve your business performance and drive growth
  • Timely – You should set a specific date for completion of your short-term and long-term goals

Once you’ve finalized your goals, you can prioritize on the ones you want to focus on first and others which can be addressed with a long-term strategy. Based on the goals you’re trying to achieve, identify strategies to meet these goals.

3. Increase Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is simply how motivated and excited team members are about their jobs on a daily basis.

Highly engaged employees come up with innovative ideas for making your company better, give their all to every task, and serve as your organization’s best advocates when it comes to building a great employer brand.

Unfortunately, disengaged employees can have the opposite effect, only doing enough to get by, rarely sharing their thoughts on important issues, and spreading disengagement to others.

The first step to building an engaged workforce is understanding the drivers of employee engagement, like recognizing team members frequently and establishing a culture employees believe in.

Then measure these drivers using an employee engagement solution that features the tools described above, acting quickly to address any issues holding engagement down. HR should train managers on how to build collaborative action plans with their team members so everyone has a stake in the outcome and buys into the actions taken to achieve it.

4. Improving Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency refers to how effectively a business uses its resources to produce goods or service, improving this are of your business can lead to reduced costs, increased productivity, and improved customer satisfaction.

To improve operational efficiency, businesses can adopt a continuous improvement philosophy and regularly evaluate and streamline their processes. This can involve using technology, such as automation tools, to eliminate manual processes and increase efficiency.

5. Investing in Employee Development

Employees are a key asset of any business, and investing in their development can lead to improved performance. Providing employees with training and development opportunities helps them gain new skills and knowledge, which can increase their job satisfaction and improve their performance.

Investing in employee development also sends a good message to employees that they are valued, which can increase morale and reduce the amount that may leave.

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6. Focus On Customer Care

Developing good customer relationships is vital to any business succeeding as it can lead to improved performance and increased sales.

This can be achieved, but only by nailing your customer service offering, as well as employing regular communication and understanding your customers’ needs, expectations and preferences.

The most successful organizations gather feedback from their customers and put this insight to good use by using it to improve their services.

Keeping customers happy not only leads to an increase in prospects due to word of mouth marketing, but it can help to keep current customers by reducing churn rate.

Simply put, the churn rate measures the number of customers who stop using an organization’s goods or services over a given period of time.

7. Understand Customers Needs

When asking yourself how to provide good customer service, this tip is first for a reason: it’s the most important.

Everything your customer service team does should be based on the customer’s needs. Understanding exactly what those needs are will help guide your customer service strategy.

The best way to learn your customers’ needs is to ask them. Use a survey, an email, a phone call, or whatever resources you have available to ask them about their needs specific to your industry.

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8. Encourage Customers to Provide Reviews of your Business

Traditional advertising and marketing efforts only get you so far. Before purchasing a product or service, customers want to know what their peers think of the item in question. In fact, a recent report shows that 92% of shoppers hesitate to buy products without reviews.

If you want your business to stand out from the pack, brainstorm some ways to get satisfied customers to post reviews online. For example, you could:

  • Ask for reviews on your website and social media pages.
  • Invite clients to submit video testimonials.
  • Offer incentives to customers who leave reviews.

9. Trust Your Employees

As employees gain tenure within an organization, you can develop an understanding of their capabilities and the level of responsibility they can handle.

By allowing those who have proven the ability to make more independent decisions or actions, you can allow them to use their experience and skills to maximize their personal performance.

When you have many employees acting on their own intentions at levels comparable to their capabilities, it can lead to less time and resources spent on supervision.

10. Embrace Positivity

Make sure the people in your business understand and share your vision. Bring them onboard, listen to them and give them ownership. Don’t let people who don’t get it, or don’t care, be a millstone around your neck. If they’re not right, do them a favor and free up their futures.

11. Identify And Remove Internal Roadblocks

Are your company’s policies, procedures and structures aligned with your competitive differentiation strategy? Look for misalignment indicators, including the following:

Do employees have to work around policies, technology tools and work procedures to get things done?

Do your policies and work procedures help people get the right things done quickly?
Are inter-departmental relationships positive, such as manufacturing and sales?
Are workplace conflicts and frustrations routine?

Streamline your processes to make them more accurate and efficient. Additionally, break down communication silos between departments or functions so everyone works toward the same goals.

12. Prioritize Tasks and Avoid Distractions

In order to optimize employee performance, these three tips are vital. Firstly, work up your schedule by prioritizing tasks that are foremost to achieve your goals. Secondly, keep your teams focused on fulfilling milestones of the week or month.

Third, stay assertive to say ‘no’ during work hours and keep your phone away from your desk if it distracts you.

Good company management achieves its goals with great employees who are motivated to improve their work performance. With the increased levels of stress and burnout levels, it becomes essential for employees to retain their juice to perform at their maximum.

13. Promote The Culture of One Task at a Time

While some of you might reckon multitasking to be your secret to success, reality has a different tale. Multitasking isn’t for everyone and most of the time it leads to a mess.

Though doing one task at a time could add extra hours to your everyday work, it guarantees quality. Business performance isn’t always about doing more tasks in a shorter time period, it is about doing a task efficiently in the shortest possible time.

14. Do Things Properly and Professionally

Yes, even the little ones. This will drastically boost your business performance. There are many cases where there’s miscommunication in the workplace and this ultimately leads to a loss of some sort.

This is a huge factor that is responsible for business issues: miscommunication. This happens because people are not showing professionalism.

What you can do about it is improvise the way you tell your employees or co-workers about something by writing it down.

The written form of a thing is much more effective than a verbal note. Plus, this is how professionals communicate about important things that have a strong relationship with the business.

15. Consider Acquisitions and New Development

A great way to focus on business development is by looking around. Your market is full of inspiration and insightful data, such as a new niche, a trend, or a competitor.

You may pinpoint a struggling business that could be open for a buyout, a potential opportunity to break into a new clientele.

You should also aim to diversify your product lines based on the results of your research. The social world has made it easy to stay aware of trends, especially on LinkedIn, with billion users.

This is a great way to keep your business fresh and in the social conversation. Remember, staying on trend could simply mean marketing or branding a classic product in a new way.

16. Always Keep Profitability in Mind

Maximizing your company’s efficiency involves giving advance consideration to your costing (the sum of all expenses incurred to produce a good or finalize a service), to the profitability threshold and your break-even point, which are essential for determining when your business becomes profitable. This exercise establishes the groundwork for your strategic planning.

Once you’ve identified your objectives, it’s time to develop a budgeting tool that lets you establish financial forecasts for the next two or three years. You should also set up a dashboard with performance indicators so that you can track your results.

That way you’ll be better able to make corrections if you start to deviate from your goal. Or, if everything is going well, you’ll know that you should keep doing what you’re doing.

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17. Review Business Costs Recurrently

Establish a recurring, comprehensive review of all business costs to identify savings and spending priorities, without compromising on quality. Ensure that paid vendors are for services you still use.

Evaluate subscription services to ensure you aren’t paying for double services and research newer, cheaper ones. With a regular review, you can identify unnecessary costs and maximize savings.

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18. Reduce Debt To The Minimal

Too much debt on your balance sheet can squeeze the bottom line of your income statement. Reducing your company’s debt will decrease both interest expenses and monthly payments, which will help improve your net profit and overall cash flow.

There are many ways to reduce business debt. If you need additional business financing but don’t want to incur more debt, consider the advantages of invoice factoring. Because invoice factoring is based on the sale of an asset, you are not using the asset as collateral. As a result, you are not incurring additional debt.

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19. Monitor Results

With a clear analysis of your business, goals, a plan, and a strong team, improving your business is just over the horizon. Your final step, and possibly the most difficult, is to keep track of your results.

As tasks are completed, you will be able to measure what you have achieved and ideally see an increase in your profit margin. If you aren’t achieving the desired results, go back to the drawing board, you may need to take an iterative approach.

Now that you have a clear idea of the strategies you can use to improve your business performance, you can smooth the way with one more tool at your disposal.

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Rilwan Ajibola

I help business executives enhance productivity, increase sales, and expand their business. You can join my online course, request a consulting service, or book me for corporate training.
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